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  • Born in 1666
  • Deceased in 1687,aged 21 years old




On the side of Friedrich Wilhelm VON HOHENZOLLERN, born February 16, 1620 (Sunday), deceased in 1688 aged 68 years old

 Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts

 Maternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts

  Photos and archival records

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 Family Tree Preview

Georg Wilhelm VON HOHENZOLLERN 1595-1640 Elisabeth Charlotte VON DER PFALZ 1597-1660 Frederik Hendrik DE ORANGE-NASSAU, Prince DE ORANGE 1584-1647 Amalie ZU SOLMS-BRAUNFELS 1602-1675

Friedrich Wilhelm VON HOHENZOLLERN 1620-1688 Louise Henriette DE ORANGE-NASSAU 1627-1667

Louis VON HOHENZOLLERN 1666-1687