• Born February 3, 1803 (Thursday) - Temploux, 5020, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE
  • Deceased October 23, 1874 (Friday) - Temploux, 5020, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE,aged 71 years old
  • Tisserand


  • André Joseph BOURNONVILLE, born in 1770 - Temploux, 5020, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE, deceased April 14, 1836 (Thursday) - Temploux, 5020, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE aged 66 years old,

  • Marie Catherine JEANMART, born April 21, 1781 (Saturday) - Spy, 5190, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE, deceased December 8, 1857 (Tuesday) - Temploux, 5020, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE aged 76 years old

 Spouses, children and grandchildren


 Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts

 Family Tree Preview

Louis Joseph BOURNONVILLE 1718-1793 Marie Agnès CLAREMBEAUX 1729-1784  

André Joseph BOURNONVILLE 1770-1836 Marie Catherine JEANMART 1781-1857

Alexandre Joseph BOURNONVILLE 1803-1874