• Born June 5, 1907 (Wednesday) - Floreffe, 5150, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE
  • Deceased July 13, 1997 (Sunday) - Namur, 5000, Namur, BELGIQUE,aged 90 years old


  • Valentin Joseph PHILIPPOT, born June 10, 1873 (Tuesday) - Floreffe, 5150, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE, deceased September 3, 1963 (Tuesday) - Franière, 5150, Namur, BELGIQUE aged 90 years old,
    Ouvrier aux chemins de fer

    Married April 23, 1898 (Saturday), Franière, 5150, Namur, BELGIQUE, to
  • Catherine Emeline Joséphine DERÈSE, born March 30, 1876 (Thursday) - Franière, 5150, Namur, BELGIQUE, deceased November 20, 1965 (Saturday) - Franière, 5150, Namur, BELGIQUE aged 89 years old,

 Spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren


 Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts

 Maternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts


  • Birth, death: E.Laret -
  • Spouse: E.Laret