• Born May 23, 1778 (Saturday) - Falisolle, 5060, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE
  • Deceased February 12, 1828 (Tuesday) - Falisolle, 5060, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE,aged 49 years old
  • Tisserand


  • Jacques Joseph COLOT, born in 1743 - Aiseau, 6250, Hainaut, Wallonie, BELGIQUE, deceased November 6, 1825 (Sunday) - Falisolle, 5060, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE aged 82 years old,

  • Anne Joseph BRUYÈRE, born February 8, 1740 (Monday) - Falisolle, 5060, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE, deceased May 3, 1823 (Saturday) - Falisolle, 5060, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE aged 83 years old

 Spouses, children and grandchildren


 Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts

 Maternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts

 Family Tree Preview

Sébastien COLOT Marguerite BOHEN Jean Pïerre BRUYÈRE 1710-1783 Marie Joseph OSTEAU 1706-1758

Jacques Joseph COLOT 1743-1825 Anne Joseph BRUYÈRE 1740-1823

Henri Joseph COLOT 1778-1828