Message d'information du propriétaire de l'arbre

There is no guarantee that all information is correct. I have tried to be as correct as possible. If you have questions, corrections or additions please send me an e-mail.

 Accueil de l'arbre généalogique

Dernière modification le 27/06/2014


Propriétaire de l'arbre

Image de profil de Anthony HOFSTEE (hoffer)
Anthony HOFSTEE (hoffer)

The Hofstee Family Tree

Welcome to the Hofstee family tree.  You are welcome to use any part or all of it as long as it is for personal use.  Thank you to the many people who have helped in finding information for the tree.  Also a big thank you to the many volunteers who inputted information into many of the databases now available on the internet (GenLias, Tresoar, etc).  This has made it much easier for those of us who live overseas. 

 Individus principaux

Souche de l'arbre

Cette personne est masquée

Propriétaire de l'arbre

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 Autour de l'arbre

 Dernières actualités 

Chargement en cours...