• Born August 3, 1922 (Thursday) - Bourville, 76740, Haute-Normandie, FRANCE
  • Deceased January 7, 2012 (Saturday),aged 89 years old


a picture
  • Domestique
  •  Spouses



    On the side of Berthe Marie Josephine GRUEL, born November 18, 1888 (Sunday) - Bourville, 76740, Haute-Normandie, FRANCE, deceased March 8, 1955 (Tuesday) - Bourville, 76740, Haute-Normandie, FRANCE aged 66 years old

     Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts

     Maternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts

      Photos and archival records

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     Family Tree Preview

    Ernest Gustave LECANU 1851-1912 Léonide Maria léonive DEMAREST 1857-1921 Marie-Magdeleine GRUEL 1856- ? ?

    a picture
    Albert Louis LECANU 1894-1976
     Berthe Marie Josephine GRUEL 1888-1955

    Fernande Marie Marcelle LECANU 1922-2012