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Weatherby - Kurtz - Sittler Genealogy

  • Born in 1713 - Concord, Chester, PA
  • Deceased November 3, 1803 - Springfield, Wilkes, NC,aged 90 years old


 Spouses and children



  • Birth, Spouse: Mendenhall, Cheryl
  • Death: OneWorldTree - OneWorldTree: - OneWorldTree gathers family trees and family history records for millions of people, analyzes the birth, death and marriage data and then displays the most probable matches for your ancestors.

  Photos and archival records

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 Family Tree Preview

John M. Mendenhall 1659-1743 Elizabeth Maris 1665-1708 Thomas Pierson 1653-1722 Rose Dixon 1661-1722

John M. Mendenhall 1688-1771 Susannah Pierson 1689-1765

Mordecai Mendenhall 1713-1803