• Born June 10, 1648 (Wednesday) - Beaune-la-Rolande, 45030, Loiret, Centre-Val de Loire, France
  • Deceased June 28, 1694 (Monday) - Saint-Michel, 45294, Loiret, Centre-Val de Loire, France,aged 46 years old


 Spouses and children

  • Married June 14, 1668 (Thursday), Batilly-en-Gâtinais, 45022, Loiret, Centre, France, to Louis SELLIER 1647-1709/ with

 Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts

  Photos and archival records

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 Family Tree Preview

Valentin LACOMBE /1585-/1649 Marguerite CHARMOY †1627  

Simon LACOMBE 1609-1652/ Catherine GUILLON ca 1605-1651

Marie LACOMBE 1648-1694