Marguerite /BIGOUIN/

  • Born September 4, 1802 (Saturday) - Kergrist, Morbihan, France
  • Deceased


  • Laurent DANIEL, born August 10, 1759 (Friday) - Treulin, Cléguérec, Morbihan, France, deceased December 24, 1801 (Thursday) - Maitairie de la Haye, Neulliac, Morbihan, France aged 42 years old,
    Boulanger, Garde des bois

    Married November 27, 1781 (Tuesday), La Haye, Noyal Pontivy, Morbihan, France, to
  • Mathurine EDY, born August 30, 1763 (Tuesday) - Saint Dredeno, Neulliac, Morbihan, France, deceased January 21, 1833 (Monday) - Kermartin, Pontivy, Morbihan, France aged 69 years old



 Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts

 Maternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts

 Family Note

Marriage with Augustin BIGOUIN

Mariage Noyal 1820 Acte N°39
Mathurin ROBIC 23 ans Cultivateur demeurant à Penfaux
Mathurin LE ROY 81 ans Laboureur demeurant au bourg de Noyal Pontivy
Pierre LE GUENNEC 40 ans Maréchal-ferrant demeurant au bourg de Noyal Pontivy
Mathurin JAFFRÉ 40 ans Boucher demeurant au bourg de Noyal Pontivy

  Photos and archival records

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 Family Tree Preview

Mathurin DANIEL 1727-1779 Guillemette LE FOUILLÉ 1736-1779 Claude EDY 1736-1804 Mathurine LE GUENNEC 1741-

Laurent DANIEL 1759-1801 Mathurine EDY 1763-1833

Marguerite DANIEL 1802-