• Born July 14, 1706 (Wednesday) - Le Mesnil-Villeman, 50, Manche
  • Deceased


  • Jean JORET, born in 1664 - Le Mesnil-Villeman 50 Manche, deceased April 22, 1743 (Monday) - Le Mesnil-Villeman,50326,Manche,Normandie,FRANCE, aged 79 years old
    Married September 5, 1690 (Tuesday), Le Mesnil Garnier, 50, to
  • Jeanne ANQUETIL, born - Le Mesnil-Villeman 50 Manche


 Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts

 Maternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts


  • Individual: Relevés du CG50

  Photos and archival records

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 Family Tree Preview

Jean JORET 1635-1690 Louise, Laurence DESVAGES 1630-1690 sosa Pierre ANQUETIL ou ANCTIL, Sieur des Champs 1647-1715 sosa Marthe LE MARESCHAL 1647-1714

Jean JORET 1664-1743 Jeanne ANQUETIL

Jean-Baptiste JORET 1706-