• Born December 12, 1721 (Friday) - Soye (Nam.), 5150, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE
  • Deceased March 31, 1796 (Thursday) - Soye (Nam.), 5150, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE,aged 74 years old


  • Evrard JAMINON, born about 1690, deceased March 4, 1742 (Sunday) - Soye (Nam.), 5150, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE aged about 52 years old
    Married June 25, 1714 (Monday), Floreffe, 5150, Namur, Wallonie, BELGIQUE, to
  • Marie Joseph BECK

 Spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren


 Family Tree Preview

Evrard JAMINON ca 1690-1742 Marie Joseph BECK

Nicolas JAMINON 1721-1796