• Born about 1759
  • Deceased April 8, 1774 - Guiscriff,56560,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE,aged about 15 years old


  • René CADIC, born November 19, 1723 - Hirgoat - Guiscriff,56560,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE, deceased March 29, 1778 - Hirgoat - Guiscriff,56560,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE aged 54 years old
    Married February 6, 1757 to
  • Françoise TROUBOUL, born February 27, 1729 - Lanvénégen,56320,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE, deceased April 6, 1779 - Guiscriff,56560,Morbihan,Bretagne,FRANCE aged 50 years old


 Maternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts


  • Individual: arbre Alain CADIC (alaincadic) - in Base Yann CAILLAREC GLEVAREC

 Family Tree Preview

  Jan ? TROUBOUL 1699-1761 Jeanne ? LE MERDY ? 1704-1771

René CADIC 1723-1778 Françoise TROUBOUL 1729-1779

Marie CADIC ca 1759-1774