• Born April 11, 1711 - Tregourez
  • Deceased June 17, 1788 - Tregourez,aged 77 years old


  • Jean DU (LE), born November 15, 1671 - Coray, deceased February 13, 1736 - Tregourez aged 64 years old
    Married November 23, 1699, Coray, to
  • Marie COROLLER, born November 26, 1683 - Coray, deceased February 27, 1746 - Tregourez aged 62 years old

 Spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren


 Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts

 Maternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts


  • Individual, family: Georges FITAMANT & Yves BOURHIS & recherches et archives 1975-1985 Base Yann CAILLAREC GLEVAREC

 Family Tree Preview

Nicolas DU (LE) ca 1635-1674 Francoise ROY (LE) ca 1637-1711 Maurice COROLLER 1651-1684 Gabrielle RICHARD ca 1643-1699

Jean DU (LE) 1671-1736 Marie COROLLER 1683-1746

Marie DU (LE) 1711-1788