Timeline of Rintjen Vliege

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Grijpskerk, Gr., NL
No available information for this event.
16695 Sep.


Grijpskerk, Gr., NL

Kerkelijke gemeente: Grijpskerk
Kerkelijke gezindte: Nederlands Hervormd
Doopdatum: 5-9-1669
Dopeling: Rintjen
Vader: Hesselus Vliege Beroep/functie: chirurgijn
Moeder: Hilletjen Fabricius
Leeftijd dopeling: 0
Paginanummer in de bron: 99
Toegangsnummer: 124 Burgerlijke Stand, retro-acta, 1596 - 1877

No available information for this event.
2 years old

Birth of a brother

Grijpskerk, Gr., NL
No available information for this event.
16836 Nov.
14 years old

Death of the maternal grandmother

Gasselte, Dr., NL
No available information for this event.
169217 Jul.
23 years old

Marriage of father

Grijpskerk, Gr., NL
No available information for this event.
169318 Sep.
24 years old

Birth of a half-brother

Grijpskerk, Gr., NL
No available information for this event.
29 years old

Birth of a half-brother

Baptism March 25, 1698 (Grijpskerk, Gr., NL)
No available information for this event.
32 years old

Birth of a half-sister

Baptism December 18, 1701 (Grijpskerk, Gr., NL)
No available information for this event.
170518 Oct.
36 years old

Marriage of a brother

Gasselte, Dr., NL
No available information for this event.
38 years old

Birth of a half-brother

Baptism July 31, 1707 (Grijpskerk, Gr., NL)
No available information for this event.
171510 Mar.
46 years old

Marriage of a half-brother

Grijpskerk, Gr., NL
No available information for this event.