Timeline of Jeltje van Assen

Find here the life events of this person. Events with no date are not shown in the timeline.

181629 Apr.


Ferwerd, Friesland, Nederland
No available information for this event.
182115 Feb.
4 years old

Marriage of a sister

Ferwerderadeel, Friesland, Nederland
No available information for this event.
18307 Oct.
14 years old

Marriage of a sister

Ferwerderadeel, Friesland, Nederland
No available information for this event.
183224 Jan.
15 years old

Death of a sister

Stiens, Leeuwarderadeel, Friesland, Nederland
No available information for this event.
183513 Dec.
19 years old

Death of the mother

Ferwerd, Friesland, Nederland
No available information for this event.
183724 Sep.
21 years old

Death of a sister

No available information for this event.
18389 Feb.
21 years old

Death of the father

Ferwerd, Friesland, Nederland
No available information for this event.
18454 Feb.
28 years old

Death of a sister

Ferwerd, Friesland, Nederland
No available information for this event.
18957 Feb.
78 years old


No available information for this event.