• Born December 13, 1852 - Igney, 88247, Vosges, Grand Est, FRANCE
  • Deceased August 26, 1926 - Hadigny-les-Verrières, 88224, Vosges, Grand Est, FRANCE,aged 73 years old
  • Camionneur


  • Tailleur d'habits
  • Brodeuse
  •  Spouses and children



    On the side of François RUFFIER, born February 10, 1824 - Évaux-et-Ménil, 88166, Vosges, Grand Est, FRANCE, deceased April 2, 1895 - Nomexy, 88327, Vosges, Grand Est, FRANCE aged 71 years old,
    Tailleur d'habits


    • Birth, Spouse, death: généanet et courrier perso - RUFFIER TRALLERO Marie Dominique - laplume25 - Numerisation

     Family Tree Preview

    Jean Nicolas RUFFIER 1798-1859 Agathe PETEL 1784-1844  

    François RUFFIER 1824-1895 Victorine NOËL 1823-1870

    Charles François RUFFIER 1852-1926