Message to visitors


Tous mes remerciements à ceux qui m'ont permis defaire grandir cet arbre et plus particulièrement àJean Tarbé de Saint-Hardouin, à mes oncles,André Chevalier, Jean Fougeras Lavergnolle, à mescousins, Christophe Meynard, Guy de Bronac et à meslointaines cousines, Mme Hugues et Mme Jacquinot-L'Evêque,qui m'ont tous apporté une aideprécieuse.

Timeline of Pierre LALANNE

Find here the life events of this person. Events with no date are not shown in the timeline.

182522 May


Cubnezais (33)
No available information for this event.
18476 Jan.
21 years old
184828 May
23 years old

Birth of a daughter

Cézac (33)
No available information for this event.
185115 Aug.
26 years old
18692 Sep.
44 years old
18692 Sep.
44 years old
186911 Dec.
44 years old

Death of the spouse

Civrac-de-Blaye (33)
No available information for this event.
18973 Dec.
72 years old

Death of a daughter

Civrac-de-Blaye (33)
No available information for this event.
189718 Dec.
72 years old


Civrac-de-Blaye (33)
No available information for this event.