Message to visitors

Met een bijzondere dank aan Paul van Butsele voor zijn boek "DE GESCHIEDENIS VAN HET GESLACHT VAN BUTSELE"

Vanuit de Bron deinen nieuwe Generaties in de Levensstroom van hun Voorouders naar hun Bestemming toe.

VanButsele, DeContreras, Derijcke en Cheyns.

Timeline of Felicita DeMoor

Find here the life events of this person. Events with no date are not shown in the timeline.



Eine BEL
No available information for this event.
about 1800
~ 12 years old

Marriage of a sister

No available information for this event.
180110 May
13 years old

Marriage of a sister

Eine BEL
No available information for this event.
180621 May
18 years old

Marriage of a sister

Bevere BEL
No available information for this event.
180815 Mar.
20 years old

Death of a sister

Eine BEL
No available information for this event.
18098 Feb.
21 years old

Marriage of a brother

Eine BEL
No available information for this event.
181416 Feb.
26 years old

Marriage of a brother

Bevere BEL
No available information for this event.
182216 Sep.
34 years old

Marriage of a brother

Bevere BEL
No available information for this event.
18221 Oct.
34 years old


Eine BEL
No available information for this event.
35 years old

Birth of a son

Eine BEL
No available information for this event.
37 years old

Birth of a daughter

Eine BEL
No available information for this event.
182522 Apr.
37 years old

Death of a son

Eine BEL
No available information for this event.
18273 Apr.
39 years old

Death of a daughter

Eine BEL
No available information for this event.
40 years old

Birth of a daughter

Eine BEL
No available information for this event.
182911 Oct.
41 years old

Death of a daughter

Eine BEL
No available information for this event.